Thursday, May 27, 2010

WARNING: This may be a spoiler plan on watching the saddest movie ever invented

So today is the day I finished ALL of my assignments for the last one came in at 25 pages (ewww). Since today is the 27th it also means that Katie will be here in just two weeks.
Overall, even though I worked my butt off finishing 2 assignments it was still a great day and I even got to spend some time hanging out and not doing homework.
I started today off with going to class and then headed out on my meat's field trip to the abattoir (fancy word for meat plant/slaughter plant and/or meat works). I have already seen the biggest lamb plant west of the Mississippi (yes, totally just sang the song in my head so I could spell that). So there were no real surprises about the gore etc. However, just one quick thought about the employees there. I think they could easily become serial killers...spend all day literally inside a beef carcass wrapped in blood and guts...thinking it could make you crazy real quick. Not that I am making fun of the people who work there, in fact I am thankful for them because I like my burgers and such!
Then I got home and worked my little behind off on my dairy project. I didn't even eat while I was working--BIG MISTAKE, I then became so hungry I had to rush home and cook noodles as fast as I could before I wasted away.
After I had nourished myself, I diddled around a little bit. Then got back to the finishing touches on my meat assignment. Ran to the library in the freezing cold printed it and ran back to Miro...all in enough time to join Margo and Trevor in watching the saddest movie ever invented. Like so sad it should be illegal.
So we bundled up in Margo's room (not sure I have mentioned it but it is like the Antarctic here) and watched the movie Hachiko. It is about a dog who is goes to the train station everyday to pick up his owner and then ...(don't read if you want to watch the movie)...the owner dies and the dog waits at the train station for 10 years for his owner to come back. So you think eventually the dog will learn to love somebody else, like the wife or grand kid but NO, it ends with the dog dying. Now if that is not just the saddest thing in the whole wide world--you need to get a heart? or you could join those meat plant workers and start your serial business? There was definitely not a dry eye in the room at the end. Margo didn't tear up to much, me well I was me and got pretty teary eyed and I think the boy in the room (he will remain anonymous) needed an absorbent depends diaper to soak up all of his tears.
Now I am off to dream land...and tomorrow, and the next day and the next day the thought of school is not even going to cross my mind. Love Jane
P.S. I always try and make my blogs look better and more interesting by posting pics but I just dont think me and blogspot get along that well I can never do sorry you will just have to deal with pages of words...I know, but picture books are so much better than novels.
ok I know I just went on that rant about blogger not letting me put pics up but then I tried one more time and here you go...I know this pic has nothing to do with anything I wrote, but I just found it on Myspace and thought it was very funny! Jake is so into those tights

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