Wednesday, March 10, 2010's not for diner!

Ok so those of you who also are on facebook, know for the last week or so I have been complaining about my meats class to no end. To be fair: I will say this once the teacher is this really cute old man, who is very nice and such and there is the possibility I did procrastinate. When I finally turn this project hatred of this class should cease.

However, I still just think this assignment is completely unfair. It is the possibly one of the worst things I have ever had to do. Well except possibly one of Celina's take home finals. It is due on Friday. For those of you thinking that is a few days...think again I am in NZ and therefore a day ahead of you. I just don't get ANY of the stuff I am actually supposed to be doing. It says make a graph of growth rates (like 8 different graphs). Finished with the graphs, but now you must analyze these graphs and say if they agree with the standard set. Hello, what are these "set" standards? Am I just completely missing something here guys? This assignment is not just composed of the graph part, but has 3 more sections of impossibilities I must make my way through. It is now 10:15 here and as you should no, my brain does not work much past that point, so I guess tomorrow will be busy. ewww!

I think the main thing that gets me about this whole class and assignment is I really do not even like meat, sure I eat it and enjoy it most of the time, but honestly I don't care about the animal's muscle to bone to fat ratio which I am now eating. Give me a live animal to play with or a piece of meat to eat and I don't really care to know what happens in between. They may sound bad considering I am an animal science/ ag. major, but I am just being honest here.
(sorry if that got a bit graphic) lol!

OK lets change the subject... I have said I have gone on adventures since being in New Zealand, but none of them like real Indiana Jones adventure status. This weekend I am getting as close to Indiana Jones as I think I will ever get. I am going on an overnight tramp (hike), complete with pack and all. We are cheating a bit, we are staying in huts not in tents. But these huts are NO Ritz Carlton. I even have to bring my own toilet paper... won't go any further with this one.
This is supposed to be a beginner tramp and very easy. I am really excited and wish it was already this weekend...then I would also already be done with meats assignment. Tomorrow I have to go get some gear for my tramp like a sleeping bag. Well I should go to bed, I want (no need, don't really want to) get up early and work on my meats assignment. Love Jane

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